BondIt — Secure, simple, fast.

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Review our financing criteria before applying

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Financing Criteria

For loan consideration, BondIt must review the following, as applicable to financing type requested:
  1. Producing and creative team information
  2. Financial breakdown of project
  3. Script
  4. Chain of title documentation with ownership details
  5. Line item budget
  6. Executed distribution contracts and/or license agreements for minimum guarantees
  7. Sales Estimates
  8. Description of collateral to be pledged to secure the loan
  9. Cashflow Schedule
  10. Talent agreements for key cast members, director, and writers (or any “essential element”)
  11. Production and E&O Insurance
  12. Executed financing agreements (equity, debt, etc.)
  13. Contact info for any financial institution to be issuing standby or commercial letters of credit
  14. Letter of intent from completion bond company
  15. Driver’s License/Social Security Number
Does your project not yet meet this criteria?

Does your project not yet meet this criteria? Check out our sister company, Buffalo 8 Productions (Sundance and Berlin award winning) who can assist with packaging, structuring and development needs to move towards production.

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